On January 24, 2017, updated versions of PHP will be made available on all Grid Servers. These updates include the introduction of PHP7, which brings performance gains and improved security.
What does this mean for you?
- Sites that are set to use both the "stable" and "latest" versions of PHP will be automatically upgraded. Depending on your current selections, your PHP versions will be updated as follows:
- Legacy (CGI) will remain at PHP version 5.3.29
- Stable (CGI) will update to PHP version 5.6.21
- Stable (FCGI) will update to PHP version 5.6.21
- Latest (CGI) will update to PHP version 7.0.6
For the vast majority of websites, these updates will be uneventful. If you're concerned that your applications might have issues working with newer versions of PHP, check with the creators to see if they have upgraded, compatible versions.
As always, if you have additional questions, please open a support request or contact our support team via email or support ticket.