(Smartermail) Mailing Lists

Mailing List Overview

Mailing lists are a good way to send a message or series of messages to many people at once. Some people use mailing lists for newsletters, while others use them for product updates or discussion groups. A mailing list is similar to a user alias, but has much more functionality.

To manage the mailing lists for your domain, click on the Domain Settings menu and choose Mailing Lists. This will take you to a page that lists all of the mailing lists in the domain.

Adding a List - Click on the New List button to add a new mailing list. This will show the Mailing List Settings page. More information can be obtained in the help topic List Settings.

Editing a List - To edit the general settings of a mailing list, click on the name of the list.

List Name - The name of the mailing list.

Description - The description that was entered for the mailing list.

Moderator - The user responsible for the list.

Delete Link - Click on this link to delete the corresponding list. A confirmation page will appear. Note: Once a list is deleted, it is not recoverable.